Conversation for Change Video Series
The Conversations for Change series of videos are intended to be used as part of a facilitated educational process, instructing viewers on the use of Motivational Interviewing skills as it is applied to conversations about tobacco cessation. Topics include: the 5A’s – a brief, evidence-based intervention for tobacco cessation, an introduction to MI skill set, and a demonstration of a motivational intervention for tobacco cessation.
Pursuit of the Three Cs Video Series
The Pursuit of the Three Cs series of videos was developed in partnership with UNITY Consortium. The first video offers an overview of UNITY and its goal of supporting adolescent and young adult health, prevention, and immunization. The second video provides an overview of the Three Cs intervention and demonstrates and reviews various scenarios of parental-provider recommendation conversations.
Clinical Edge Webinar Series
Our Clinical Edge webinars offer an opportunity for physical and behavioral health care professionals to focus on topics that support their well-being and the well-being of the people they serve. Given workplace demands, health care professionals often have limited time and resources, both internal and external, to explore new ways to do what they do even better. Through our Clinical Edge webinars, our intention is to create a space to discover practices that help us all to thrive.