Sponsored by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE), BHWP has been operating the Tobacco Innovative Grant (TIG) project since 2015. The TIG project supports Colorado organizations to implement new tobacco use disorder (TUD) treatment services and nicotine-free policies and/or to expand their existing tobacco-related services and protocols. The TIG project aims to decrease the burden of nicotine/tobacco use across Colorado, particularly among priority populations, including individuals with behavioral health conditions.
On an annual basis the TIG project engages multiple organizations from across Colorado to form a cohort working on this mission. Over the course of each fiscal year, participating organizations work with BHWP to create rapid improvement goals pertaining to the specific tobacco-related services and/or policies they wish to implement. These organizations then receive free tailored technical assistance (TTA) and free seats to applicable BHWP tobacco trainings, all designed to support the achievement of their rapid improvement goals and the work they are undertaking.
The TIG project is innovative in nature, thereby encouraging a variety of different types of organizations to participate. Past participants have included traditional healthcare settings such as large healthcare providers, behavioral health treatment facilities, integrated care sites, hospital settings, opioid treatment programs, and public health departments, as well as nontraditional settings such as refugee centers, cultural service centers, and advocacy organizations. Participating organizations are encouraged to create their rapid improvement goals based on their priorities, interests, and capacity. The TTA offered by BHWP to participating organizations matches their goals and needs and may include onsite presentations, staff education, workflow analysis, evaluating organizational practices and procedures, and the creation of original documents for education and/or marketing purposes, among many other forms. The TIG project also enables BHWP to present the results of this work at state conferences. Additionally, in 2021, the TIG project created a Model Nicotine-Free Policy (NFP) designed for use at a diverse range of healthcare and behavioral health agencies across Colorado and nationwide.
For more information about the TIG project, please contact Derek Noland: [email protected] or 303-724-3714.