This series of videos were produced by the Behavioral Health and Wellness Program (BHWP) in the School of Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in collaboration with UNITY Consortium. The videos are intended to assist healthcare providers to have better conversations with parents regarding vaccination and immunization recommendations.

These videos provide an overview of the Three Cs Intervention and demonstrates and reviews various scenarios of parental-provider recommendation conversations.


Pursuit of the Three C’s: Confident, Concise & Consistent Health Care Provider Recommendations for Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Vaccines

This video demonstrates key components of an effective vaccination recommendation.


Pursuit of the Three Cs: Confident, Concise, and Consistent Provide Recommendations for Adolescent Vaccines Featuring Healthcare Visits at
Ages 16 and 18

This video address adolescent vaccination recommendations for visits with 16 and 18-year-old patients.